UPDATE: We are moving and I Just Removed this wall treatment and there was ZERO damage and I did it in less than 30 seconds!
When I named my blog Chaotically Creative it was well earned. Seriously, there is no other name that would fit.
You see, I have always been labeled “dramatic”, “crazy” (both the good kind and bad kind), “clumsy” and maybe even “spastic” and it’s ok I’m good with all those terms. I own it! I’m a mess about 99.9% of the time.
And then there are those rare occasions when I’m not a mess and I think I have all my stuff together!!
You know like when I was strolling down the street “looking” cool and then I slip on a grate in front of a crowd of people and I can’t recover from it so I just lay there…
Yep that .1% of the time I think I have it altogether and then “it” happens! And I realize I am a mess 100% of the time.
And “IT” can happen anytime even during my easiest DIY project ever!
About a week ago, I had this grand idea… I wanted an ACCENT wall!!! One that would really stand out!
I love a good accent wall. I really really do! Creating an accent wall can be really difficult especially when you go the route of tiling, planking, stenciling or hand painting. That being said an accent wall can also be ♥ SERIOUSLY SIMPLE! ♥
Unless you are me and then it can be seriously dangerous. But let’s face it everything I do somehow turns out that way. So please know that this is Seriously Simple and learn from me.
DIY Fabric Wallpaper is one of the easiest ways to create a fabulous accent wall. I used this method well before it was ever gracing the internet. You see in military housing you have very limited options and you have to get creative. You also have to be very careful that your creative endeavors don’t ruin your housing unit.
Benefits of Fabric Wallpaper:
- Easy to install
- Affordable especially when you buy your fabric on sale (this fabric was from Joann’s it is from the Nate Berkus line) I got it for nearly 70% off . I’ve had my eye on this fabric for over a year!
- Easy to remove
- Does not damage wall when removed
- Creates a huge BANG for your BUCK!!!
Now that I have you convinced that Accent walls are always COOL and that they are super easy. Let’s look at the steps…
DIY Fabric Wallpaper
- Pin your fabric as close to the ceiling as possible, you may also choose to pin it in other places to keep the weight from stretching the fabric
- Pour Sta-Flo fabric starch in a small paint tray. You can get Sta-Flo at Walmart for under $3 or here on Amazon
- Dip your foam roller in to the Sta-Flo and roll it back and forth on the trey to get it saturated.
- Roll liberally on the wall. You can keep repeating and applying the starch and then go back and peel off and reposition the fabric several times until you get it where you want it.
- Once you have the fabric hung and smoothed out you can let it dry. Even with the edges hanging over. You want to wait until the fabric is nice and dry before you move to the next step.
- Once the fabric has dried you can take your box cuter and trim off the edges. Allowing the fabric to dry helps insure that any shrinkage that happens, actually occurs before you trim. Also allowing it to dry makes it much easier to cut because the fabric is hard not wet and lose.
- If any edges come up after trimming, simply dip your finger in to the Sta-Flo and smooth the edges down. You can even roll those areas again if necessary.
Now that all seemed pretty easy… harmless even.. RIGHT? Well it would have been… but let’s rewind all the way back to step number 1 “Pinning the Fabric as close as possible to the Ceiling”. You see that would have been easy if I would have use my ladder.. but no I had to be lazy and take the short cut and use this step stool.
Yes, in the middle of all my creativity I took the short cut and while pinning, I leaned a little to far and that little tiny step ladder went flying out from underneath me.
And I in all my clumsy glory went flying in to the air and landed perfectly with that ladder square between my legs….
Ever have a 9.5lb baby… I have… in fact I’ve had two and let’s just say…. this may have topped that.
I called mom and told her… seriously I told her “MOM I think I broke my lady parts!”
and that lead in to my birth story.. we’ll save that for another time. But long story short, I am on the mend and …..
I now FULLY understand the saying
“Bruised Where the Sun Don’t Shine!”
So fella’s and ladies take my advice… even with easy DIY use the proper ladder and save yourself the pain.
Oh and I forgot to tell you… this is my new office! And I will be sharing all of the details of this fabulous new space as I work on it! Make sure you have subscribed via email to our NEWSLETTER and our following us on Instagram for frequent sneak peeks before any one else gets to see them!

Love it! I must try this!
Thanks so much Debbie, It is insanely easy. I forgot to mention the seams so I’ll talk about them here. When you do line up your fabric you can over lap it just a little, you can either leave it overlapped and it isn’t very noticeable or can use your blade and a straight edge to trim a little of the overlap. Just be careful not to cut through both layers of the fabric. I can’t wait to see yours!
i love this! Fabric choice is perfect. Can’t wait to do this!
Thank you. I went back and forth with it looking too juvenile but as the room comes together I love it more and more.
I love it. But I loved your hilarious story even more!
Ha, Gloria, You know I am always here for your entertainment.
This is so cool! Aside from that step ladder “issue” you make this look so simple…like even I could do it!! Looks beautiful!!
I promise as long as you use a real ladder you will be able to do it super easy. It’s probably the easiest wall treatment you can do… even easier than painting because there is such little prep and mess.
Oh My Gosh!! Liquid starch! My mamma must have used gallons of it. I didn’t think it was still on the market. Certainly not for starching clothes and ironing 🙂 . But to me ironing is very relaxing. Okay — I’m not staying on point. I think this is such a great idea. I’ve always thought so, even when I read those fancy schmantzy books that hung those 1000 dollar a yard fabric on the wall. It looks great. Very creative!!
Yes they still sale it but I’ve only found it at Walmart. That stuff is awesome.
Okay — I jumped to the end and missed your lady parts 🙁 I’m calling OSHA on you!!
HA! I would be in big trouble with OSHA. Let’s just say luckily they don’t visit my place of employment.
Oh my goodness, girl, I hope your lady parts are feeling better! 🙂 I love this fabric, and it makes a fantastic accent wall! Perfect for an office. Can’t wait to see more!
It’s been a week and I’m nearly recovered lol about like child birth I guess. The struggle is really for beautiful things lol!
Looks great !!! Sorry for your mishap but now we know what not to do !!! Seriously you did a fantastic job !!!
Aww thanks so much Rhonda!
oh my gosh~I sure hope you’re finished having kids!! I felt the pain just reading about it!! So glad you’re healing up!
I never would have dreamed of using fabric to wallpaper an accent wall, but that is gorgeous and one day when I have the energy I definitely would love to give it a try. And I love the fabric choice!
Ya know when people say “break a leg”, you really don’t have to take them literally every time, lol.
Ha, yes we are done. But in all seriousness I honestly thought if I were a guy I would probably have done severe damage.. it was that bad I had to lie down to make sure I wasn’t bleeding. GEEZ! I really do need to be more careful!
Oh my gosh! I just about died laughing while reading this post! So sorry about your mishap but your accent wall looks fabulous. The design makes your space looks so bright and full of energy. Many, many years ago, I helped a friend put fabric on an accent wall in her bedroom. We were DIYing before it even had a name!
That fabric is so totally amazing, Lesley! What an incredible project!
Thanks Gwen I can’t wait to show the whole room. I went back and forth with the fabric looking to babyish but as the room comes together it’s looking very cool!
I love this! It turned out awesome, hope your hooha is better!
Did you use a thicker home dec fabric or do the lighter cotton fabrics work better? I can’t wait to try this in our new house!
Thanks so much! Yes two weeks later and I’m all healed but man who knew!!! The fabric is thicker but you can use a thin fabric too. With the thicker fabric you don’t have to worry too much about the wall showing through unless it’s white. I had to paint this wall white because the dark wall was showing through. This is a decorators fabric so it could be used for drapes, upholstery, crafts or decor. It’s thick but not as thick as true upholstery fabric.
I’m so glad you’re all healed up now Lesley, I prefer to learn from others mistakes & not my own, so will use my high step ladders & have my friend hold onto them too 😀 I live in a rental property, would I be able to use the material in my small bathroom? it does get quite a lot of condensation, mainly in winter as it’s too cold to leave the window fully open, I have an over the bath shower surrounded by curtain, so can’t contain the steam, & I’m worried I may end up with all the material heaped on the floor 😀
Linda, Thanks so much! And I have not personally used it in a bathroom but I know that others have and it works just as well! I’d try a small piece of fabric on a wall before i commit to doing the whole thing just in case .
Love, love , love the material you chose. I have a craft room that has enough fabric to “wallpaper” the entire neighborhood so I am anxious to go in there and shop for the perfect piece for my new accent wall. Your instructions were great and soooo funny. Wish me luck!
Awesome! Please share when you do