I remember starting school every year… I was so excited to get all these new school supplies.. and start fresh. Every year I made a vow that I would be the MOST ORGANIZED student EVER!!!
And every year that lasted about 2 weeks. Then I would open my book bag to a complete mess.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I AM NOT an organized person. I have to work really hard at creating systems and methods to keep my anxiety at bay. I am constantly trying to come up with ways to help organize my life so that I can share with you how to organize your life!
So as I was saying I was not born an organizer. I have always had to work really really hard at it. Along the way I have finally figured out a few things that I have to have to accomplish tasks in life and to stay organized.
Many of you know I design websites.. in fact I was able to leave my job to work at home full time last year. Things have been awesome since I made that choice however being your own boss calls for major responsibility. I have to have systems in place so that I am completing tasks and staying on schedule. My number one way to get things done is this amazing tool … my to do list. As techy as I am this tool is not… at all. I am totally old school when it comes to my to-do lists and my calendar.
And speaking of calendars the second tool I have in my toolbox of organization is my printable calendar. I know so many people love the online calendars but again I need it on paper. There’s just something about filling those pages up with a pencil or pen and having it right there without needing to turn on a device. I’m totally ok with not being high tech with EVERYTHING!

Love this get the matching to-do list printable here! This is the number one way I get things done… well that and the free calendar printable of course!
The calendar and to do list is so pretty. And so much nicer looking then the little bits and pieces of envelopes and using the backside of paper from stuff I have printed by mistake that I use to keep organized.
Thanks Debra. Enjoy it. I love it too!