Does this look familiar? You know, after the trash truck comes and empties the cans. Oh and if it is windy, you come home and find them blowing down the street with the lids all smashed by cars. And then there are the little animals that knock them over and make that yucky mess that makes you want to pull your hair out and don a hazmat suit. Yep, it is a dilemma, especially if you are not ready for a permanent solution. I need a fast and easy trash corral now!
With a few inexpensive items. you can create a simple and inexpensive trash corral.
4 Cinder Blocks
4 Landscape Timbers
10 Cap Stone Blocks
Yep, that’s it!
Assembly is super easy too!
Just place the Cinder Blocks as shown below…
Insert the landscape timbers in the top openings of the Cinder Blocks.
Place the blocks on the ground between the timbers…
Add bottom landscape timbers and WALLAH, we have a fast and easy trash corral that holds those trashcans tight.
Okay, I will admit it, I am already thinking of ways to decorate it so stay tuned…