As many of you know I announced about a month ago that I was able to quit my day job as a preschool teacher to work from home full time. I am pleased to announce that in one month I have doubled my income! I absolutely love working from home as a blogger, website designer, tech support person and mom!
If you are a business owner and are relying on social media for connecting or marketing… STOP NOW. (I don’t mean stop using social media I mean stop relying on it)
Every Business Needs a Newsletter
Instead you need to start an email list. EVERY business needs a Newsletter! Yes EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS needs a Newsletter… and here’s why.
- Social Media changes frequently, as a business owner you always have to learn the next thing with social media. Email doesn’t change. You don’t ever have to deal with algorithm changes.
- Email isn’t going anywhere! How many social media platforms can you name that have disappeared over the past few years. Exactly! It’s better to invest in something that’s not going away.
- More readers, buyers, customers, clients will see your content. People prefer receiving emails and if they have committed to being on your list chances are they are going to open it. Readers can save or bookmark your email for latter, no need for them to on social media at the exact time you post your content. It’s in their INBOX!
- With a Newsletter you have instant access to your target customers/readers. Need to announce something awesome? Send it in a Newsletter.
- It helps to drive traffic to your businesses website. By delivering your best information via newsletter your readers will want to check this info out on your site.