If you didn’t know this about me already… I LOVE ART!!!!
I love to visit Art galleries and gaze upon the works of famous artist and try to interpret the meanings of their masterpieces. I have lots of favorite artists… Van Gogh, Picasso, Warhol … just to name a few!
However, my absolute favorite artists are not the famous and talented artists from the past. My absolute favorite artists are preschoolers… specifically ages 3 to 6 years old. To show my appreciation for preschool art in my home we have created an ART GALLERY WALL FOR KIDS in our playroom.
More Playroom Articles (removing carpet, paper bag floors, trash can lights, new sectional sofa)
Creating the art gallery for kids was so easy. I have saved the work of both my kids throughout the years. Several of the pieces are Gavin’s that are at least 10 years old. Jude’s are fairly new since he is much younger than Gavin. The frames are old frames and some new ones from Michaels when they were at %50 off.
Check out your local craft stores for sales, shop second hand shops and yard sales. You can always paint them the same color to get a similar look.
But none the less the majority of the art framed is from both of their preschool years with the exception of a few obvious pieces of art (the sunflower photograph, the caricature, and a few of Gavin’s more recent paintings).
Why do I love the Preschool Period of Art? …. I’ll explain
There’s a very small window in a child’s lifetime where their imagination runs wild and untamed. They see things in a different way than we do. Sometimes completely literal and sometimes more abstract than we can wrap our brains around.
When given art materials preschoolers can set there imagination free. They tend to not worry about composition and what others will think.
They just …. CREATE!
One of my favorite pieces is the purple and green and yellow painting above. It almost looks magical.
With each piece I am reminded of a time in my child’s life. A time where their minds were free… free enough to put paint to paper and let it flow with out fear of judgement or making mistakes.
That’s what I love so much about ART… there’s no making mistakes.
There’s no Right or Wrong….
It’s so freeing. Just think about that for a minute.
Art is one of the only creative processes sets no limitations.
You can create anything…. and no matter the result….
It’s ART!
No right….
No Wrong…
Just Beauty!
One thing I absolutely love about being a Preschool Teacher is my freedom to create art in the midst of small children.
What I love more is seeing their dreams… and their creations come to fruition on canvas.
I love to hear their stories… their motivations… their interpretations.
It’s all such a magical experience and I am blessed enough to be a part of that each day with these amazing children.
And then I come home and I get to gaze upon our amazing art wall and remember those times with my own kids and the excitment we both felt when they pulled the art work out of their tiny bookbags.
And my heart fills with joy knowing how lucky I am to live in a place where my children have the access to things like paper and paint.
And they live each day with the freedom to create....
More Playroom Articles (removing carpet, paper bag floors, trash can lights, new sectional sofa)
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I simply love the colors! They brighten up the room and it makes the walls come alive. Very artistic children!!
Thanks so much! It really is my favorite room in the house. I love that wall!