Don’t adjust your monitor. THIS is A REAL PHOTO, from my home! No, it’s not a clip from a horror film, oh how I wish!
In fact it’s so real and so frequent that it has become my biggest pet peeve on planet EARTH!
How hard is it to change the toilet paper roll????
Come on! Who’s with me on this? It’s all the time! And now we are hoarding toilet paper rolls.
Now I’ve got 2 solutions for all you Mom’s that are just darn sick of changing that roll.
1.Head over to Target and purchase Cottonelle Triple Roll 12 pack or larger and get a FREE box of Kleenex using the coupon here. (while supplies last)
Triple Rolls have triple the paper and therefore you don’t have to change the roll quite as often! Phew!
(RevTrax system will only let you click on this coupon twice per IP address so do not click on it till you are ready to print please. )
and for your second solution
2. Create a Gentle Reminder for your Family
All you will need is a canvas, poster vinyl letters, paint and brush
Using the Vinyl letters create this saying on your canvas. “Changing the Toilet Paper roll Does Not Cause Brain Damage!”
Paint over your vinyl letters. It may need two coats.
When dry, simply peel the letters off.
There you go. A cheeky reminder that it is perfectly safe to change the roll of toilet paper when your Cottonelle Triple Roll runs out!
Oh my GOSH!!!!! This drives me up the wall and to the roof!!! Except it’s with not only my daughter…almost 11 years old, might I add, IT’S MY HUSBAND….38 YEARS OLD!!! Here is what he does, I hope your ready… He will pull OUT a BRAND NEW ROLL when the old roll still has Ehhh, maybe 2-3 potty sessions left on it. He will set the almost FULL roll ON TOP of the “I still have some left” OLD ROLL……..R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S is what that is!!!!! There aren’t enough exclamation points in the world for me to use after all that. My guess is that his thoughts are, “Hmmm, I don’t want to use up ALLLLLL that time and energy in taking the old roll off IF I happen to use it down to the cardboard, so I’ll just get a brand NEW roll out of the toilet paper stacker…thing and set it on top. That way it won’t look like I was LaZy AND since it didn’t officially ‘run out’, I should leave it on the holder for my wife”. Awww, so really that’s him being nice…..NO, it isn’t!!!! Ok, there ya have it, my TP RANT!!! So glad you posted this so I could get all this off my chest! 😉 Thanks Lesley!!
Ashley, I am in tears I am laughing so hard! HA HA HA HA!!! I feel ya girl! My husband is the guiltiest of all. That stack of empty rolls on the toilet, yep, all his!!! Now get this, in that bathroom there isn’t even a holder anymore,it fell of the wall so all he needs to do is throw the empty away. And all the other bathrooms just have slide on holders, no spring loaders or anything. IT’S MADDENING. We could start a Support GROUP!!!
LOL, I could not have said it better myself…A SUPPORT GROUP….YEEESSSS!!!! We could even call ourselves the “Toilet Paper Party Poopers” or “WAHTPT” Wives Against Husbands Toilet Paper Trash. Who knows how you would pronounce the acronym for that?!
Sorry so late on my reply….trying to come down off the Christmas chaos and get back into my normal swing of things. Ha, whatever my so-called “Normal” is these days!!
That’s hysterical. My son who is 4 keeps pointing at the sign and say that says “don’t use too much toilet paper” ha. Their dad on the other hand for the life of me will never get that roll on the holder it’s almost like he’s doing it on purpose now!!!
You are hilarious! I love the sign and the sense of humor that goes along with it! Glad I stopped by for a laugh from Serenity Now.
Thanks Carrie! My language is typically “sarcasm” so it fits our home perfectly!
Best sign I have every, especially since I have four brother and three son and eleven grandsons. It is a great statement
Thanks Judy! I hope it will work in my house!
Holy cow! I’m not alone! Thank you for bringing up one of BIGGEST pet peeves, well, next to Christmas lights left up in March! It drives me insane, that somehow I’m always the one that mysteriously uses the very last of the role. See, I thought I found a way to cure the toilet paper challened people living in my house. I bought a giant basket that holds all the roles right next to the toilet. My husband thinks he’s out smarted me buy using the roles in the basket and putting them back. Nice try genius! All this has done is cause me to come up with the ultimate strategy! I decided at the beginning of 2014 was the year for “Kicking butt and taking names”! I decided first to suspend all cable and put our Verizon plan on vacation. I did this because our family chore chart had become just an annoying decoration. I then decided to add “toilet paper duty” as a daily chore. But the ultimate revenge was I made “toilet paper duty” my husbands permanent chore! Hehehe….I love a good challenge! Winner!!! 🙂
Hysterical. I am so glad I am not alone in this, Angie!