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We love our pets, but there is nothing in this world that gets on my nerves more than pet hair on everything and everybody! In our home we have a short haired cat named Zippy, pictured above. We also have a long haired cat Fluffy and a German’s Shepherd Dog named Umsa. Pet Hair Universe! Like any good pet owner we aquired a plefora of grooming tools in all shapes and sizes in an attempt to reduce the amount of shedding. Take my word for it, nothing compares to the FURminator. We own the large yellow model featured on Amazon. This was purchased years ago when there was only one model available and paid around $50 for it. We have found that this size works great on all three pets and has more than paid for it’s self. They are more expensive than other pet brushes, but worth every cent. One of Lesley’s neighbors recently purchase one for around $60.00. This was a bargain since she spends $100 on having her Golden Retriever professionally groomed. Lesley also grooms her three cats with one.
Take a look at this, one swipe from short haired cat. Zippy doesn’t mind grooming, but Fluffy hates it…
She how she is trying her best to escape? That is another reason I love this product. It is easy and QUICK! Look at how much hair I removed in less than 5 minutes!
After working hard to decorate and/or clean a space, we don’t want this as an added accessory. Yucky Poo! Did you know that cats can swallow 2/3’s of their loose hair! That is a major hairball and a huge heath concern. Now for the biggest shedder of them all. Our German Shedder’s dog…
I love this breed, but you talk about shedding! She is a shedding machine poster child/dog! Watch this short video clip to get a better idea of how the FURminator works…
For more information and to view all Fabulous FURminator products visit their website. They even offer a vacuum attachment that would be most helpful if grooming indoors. Happy Grooming!
We at Chaotically Creative have received no compensation of any kind for this post. We are simply sharing our experience and opinions about the FURminator because we love it. And thought our readers may find it useful.
I worked at a pet supply store, and I had a few customers that told me flea combs work just as well :/ Though for smaller dogs, though. I could never afford a furminator, but I bought a KONG Zoom Groom, and that took care of my dog’s winter coat in a few brushing sessions. She went from a long, wiry grey coat to her soft, dense black coat, and it has to feel like a good massage to her because she just lays down and adores it. The Zoom Groom was only about $9, but it has to be replaced once the nubs wear down. I’ve had it since late spring and even after all the work I put it through, the nubs are doing fine.
I bought the same one on eBay (because I’m such a cheapo) for around $20 if I remember. I have an English bulldog and a long haired chihuahua- the bulldog sheds HORRIBLY and this works like a charm on him. With my chihuahua it gets all the “frizzy” hair out if her coat and leaves her silky soft and pretty.
Paris (chihuahua) isn’t a big grooming fan to begin with but she tolerates it. Dexter (bulldog) gets so excited he sprawls out on the floor do I can do him, lol. I do it 3-4 times a week and get a whole new puppy worth of hair everytime!
And it DRASTICALLY reduces the shedding if done regularly