Life’s A Beach!
This is the first time in my life that I have experienced that awful sensation of my inner thighs sticking together as I attempt to walk in my bathing suit. As I lay here by the pool sipping my first Cherry Dr. Pepper of the day, I am wondering what happened to my thin and toned inner thighs.
The condo we are renting has ceiling to floor mirrors which reveal the sad truth that I now have the thighs of a 50 “something” woman. You see, I am one of those people who will forever be a 20 year old mentally. I am trying to age gracefully, but I have to admit the thought of cosmetic surgery entered my mind when I saw my exposed thighs in this bathing suit. You see, at home I don’t pay any attention to how my body looks. I am usually covered in paint and/or dirt and dressed for the occasion. But at the beach suddenly it becomes of great importance.
It didn’t help that Fashion Police was on TV the other night and Joan was cracking jokes about Madonna’s muffin top and Demi’s sagging knees. They look like a Barbie doll compared to me! Mine look like panty hose that are too big that have fallen down to the knees.
Oh well, nothing can been done about the way they look right this moment however, I would like to walk on the beach like a normal person. I am completely unprepared for fat sticky thighs so I search my toiletries for a Sticky Inner Thigh Remedy. I have worn Dove deodorant for years and loved the silkiness as well as the fragrance. It doesn’t smell like deodorant.
I applied it to my inner thighs and waala, no more sticky thighs! I can glide along like silk! Too bad it doesn’t dissolve fat and cellulite, but at least I can walk without looking like a toddler that has had an “accident” in their pants. The sad thing is that the rest of my body has fared pretty well except for my hips, they hurt a lot. It has dawned on me that they have the job of moving these tree trunk sized thighs! No wonder they hurt! Mystery solved!
All I can say is thank goodness for Navarre Beach. This is truly a family beach. While there are young toned and tanned beach beauties strolling around, they are usually accompanied by their mother and grandmother. LOVE IT. And that is exactly what I mean by “life’s a beach”. I can remember going to the beach in all stages of my life. As a little girl, as a teen, young mother and grandmother. Mentally, I have never felt better and more at peace. Now if I just had the thighs to go with it. Anybody have any thigh tightening solutions? Please, please share. BTW, I promise I will start by losing the Dr. Pepper, cookies and other unmentionables that I have been devouring. Life IS a Beach!
Lesley, I loved the read! Didn’t know I could use Dove deodorant there. I’ve read an article from and I’ve been doing reverse jacks to keep my thighs toned. It’s quite easy but really demands dedication and commitment. Cheers to a more toned thighs!
Yay thanks. I definitely could use some thigh toning!