When I was a little girl I wished that I could be a ballet dancer…
I would dance around in my room and actually imagine the day someone (I am assuming a talent scout) would peak in to my window and say…
“YOU ARE AMAZING” and take me off to be a world famous dancer.
That wish was all fine and dandy except it had two major flaws
1. I can’t dance
2. Any person peeping in to young girls’ bedrooms is probably not looking for potential Ballet Dancers….
Can you say creepy????
And as I grew older my wish to become a dancer turned in to my dream of becoming a super model.
I was a teen during the 90’s and that’s when the whole SUPERMODEL craze was in full force. I spent hours watching models on the runway. My uncle was a “super model” at the time, traveling the world modeling and mingling amongst other beautiful people.
Just knowing he was out there on the modeling scene, fueled my obsession even MORE.

Tree Topper DIY : Look for unconventional objects for tree toppers and add sprays like these from Kirklands. Paint with glue and sprinkle glitter.
And then one day I got my wish. My uncle had opened a modeling agency and I got my first and only real modeling job.
My face was plastered in every BB&T bank across North Carolina. I spent the day at age 17 dressing in a wedding gown, having my hair and make-up done. And listening to the unsolicited advice of all those around me. I was told I was too tan, I wasn’t looking in the right place, and so on.
At that moment I knew I did not want to be a super model because no one was going to dull my sparkle ever AGAIN.

DIY GARLAND: Take Chipboard letters and paint them with glue, sprinkle glitter all over, attach them to a pretty ribbon
All I wanted to do was let my talents sparkle! Over the next decade I would find where I sparkle the most, teaching young children and using my blogging powers for good.
When I was asked to design the Super Model tree for Esperanza, a teenage girl who has a brian tumor. I was a little conflicted.. I must admit.
Why? Because I wanted to create a tree that didn’t focus on vanity or looks. I wanted my tree to represent Esperanza and her journey. I wanted to remind her and other kids like her to SPARKLE, SHINE and SHIMMER.
And don’t they all do that. Children are such amazing muses for adults. They remind us how delicate and precious life is.
Esperanza spent a day as a super model and was able to shine that day. But to me her bravery makes her SHINE, SPARKLE and SHIMMER. I hope that if I am ever faced with challenges like the children of Make a Wish Middle TN are .. that my light shines as bright as theirs.
They truly are an inspiration.
Now let’s take a minute to thank those who made this wish come true. Many thanks to Balsam Hill for providing this gorgeous 9ft tree. Yes, it was enormous! Tennessee Valley Homes, the builder of this gorgeous home donated a budget of $500 for all the decor. Many thanks to Kirkland’s for providing a gift card, sponsoring our bloggers High Tea Meet up and the gifts they gave all of the Rock Star Bloggers. My amazingly talented friend Tia from Tia’s Shabby Chic Boutique for graciously donating he under the tree gifts; pink purse, boot socks, Hope bracelet, flower head bands, and pink lace earrings. Hometalk and Style Blueprint for sponsoring the High Tea Blogger Meet-up and Forest Home Media for making all of this happen.