I’ve been keeping a little secret from you guys! I feel kind of bad about it. But to be honest I just really wasn’t sure I was going to stick with it. I didn’t want to share with you all what I’ve been doing until I knew I was going to stick with it for sure.
I’m finally ready to tell you the secret I’ve been keeping for over four months.
I’m Working Out!!!
That’s right, after battling anxiety for many years, constant migraines and weight gain I finally decided I had to give exercise a try. I wanted to see if exercising would improve not only my health but my anxiety and of course help with weight control.
And let me tell you I HATE WORKING OUT!!! You didn’t expect that did you! I hate it more than doing dishes, or laundry or cleaning toilets. I really, really do. I think I am just one of those people that does not experience that amazing feeling after a good workout. Nope, not me. Working out is hard! I hate to sweat! It takes time! It hurts!
Knowing all the things I loathe about working out I knew that I couldn’t do this alone. So in complete disclosure, I will tell you that I have a secret weapon. I did not join a gym. I did not buy work out DVDs or programs, and I did not invest in a ton of equipment.
I did decide to hire a personal trainer who comes to my house 3 times a week and guides me through each workout. I will say hands down this is the only reason I have worked out for 4 weeks. It’s really hard to tell someone no and pout like a three year old when they are standing at your door.
Instead of investing in a gym membership or expensive equipment I found a really reasonable trainer. I also counter balanced this expense by cutting back on buying extra things and eating out. I realize that not everyone can afford this option but I knew for me that I had to have someone show up at my door in order for me to follow through.
Many of you may not need to hire a trainer and can follow through with at home work outs. HIVE FIVE because I wish I were like you… seriously. No matter if you have someone holding you accountable or if you can do it yourself I want to show you the basic items you can buy in order to get an amazing workout at home.
Home Gym for Under $100
I have one set of dumbbells and we use them all the time. Whether I am doing squats or lunges a Dumbbell Set like this one is perfect.
I personally do not have the High Step Work Out but I need it because right now I am using an extra large cooler placed up against the wall to do step ups. This is the next essential piece of equipment I will be purchasing. I love how you can choose how high or low you want it to be.
A Chrome Barbell Bar
by itself even with no weights can really give you a good workout. Of course if you are ready to lift something heavier you can add weights.
My Foam Exercise Mat has been the most essential piece of workout equipment that I have purchased. 90% of the time we work out in my garage. This matt has been perfect for planking, sit ups, crunches and more.
What else do I need for my Home Gym for Under $100?
This equipment that I listed is really all we use. I do have a treadmill that never gets used and I have a weight bench. We do use the weight bench about once a week for my legs. However, we take advantage of my steep driveway for lunges and the road has become by best friend. I do lots of sprints up and down the street. I even had a lady ask me the other day what I was training for. I told her “LIFE”! But seriously I am, I want to be healthy and strong for my family and kids.
How Has My Life Improved?
I still HATE working out with every single fiber of my being. But I will say I am so much stronger and healthier than I have ever been. My legs look smoking hot! and I feel that my anxiety has gone way down. I am also losing weight at a steady pace but also recognize that a lot of fat has turned in to muscle. Will I continue working out? Absolutely. Will I always need a personal trainer? I hope not. But for now working with one is really helping me stay on track and work towards my goal of a healthier me!
Got questions? Feel free to ask!