Tanya from My Fruitful Home is back again this month (yay) She’s to share with you more ways to Calm your Financial Chaos. We love calming our chaos with family vacations. Not let’s take a minute to get Tanya’s perspective on how her family saves on vacations.

Four Simple Ways to Save on A Summer Vacation
Most families long to go on a vacation, especially in the summer. The only problem is sometimes it’s hard to come up with the money. I have found four simple ways to save on a summer vacation.
1. Use a deal website. Hotwire helps you find rental cars, flights, and hotels at the cheapest prices. They even have planning tips. Kayak is a popular one stop place to find the best deals on airfare. Travelocity has information on cruises, things to do, vacation packages and more. I especially liked the things to do section. Priceline allows you to name your own price. It also has travelers reviews.
2. Start saving for your vacation a year in advance. This is a great way to save on a summer vacation. Have it be a family affair. Even young kids can help find loose change or do extra chores to contribute. Decorate a jar with a picture of your destination and get the whole family involved. Family members could also ask for cash for birthdays and Christmas. They say memories of a shared experience last longer than any new toy or gadget.
3. Cook for yourself or use gift cards. Many hotels or resort rooms have their own kitchens. You can save a ton of money by making simple things like sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, and pasta. If you don’t feel like cooking go to a website like restaurant.com before you leave and look for restaurants in the area you’ll be visiting.
4. Save on souvenirs. Souvenirs can really set you back. They are all over the place for your kids to notice. Before you leave decide on a souvenir budget. Give each child the decided upon amount (unless they are too little to hold onto it.) Stress the fact that once the money is gone they will not get anymore. This is a good lesson on budgeting. You can visit discount drugstores for cheaper souvenirs. These should be cheaper than what you see in the amusement parks and other attractions. Give your child a disposal camera for them to make memories of their own. When they get home they can put it in a scrapbook. Postcards also make great inexpensive souvenirs.
Do you have other ways you like to save on vacation? I would love to hear them.
Faith, Home, Family -Living the abundant life while living with chronic illness
Mooch off a relative! i just visited Florida and stayed with my daughter. Luckily my daughters moved to great vacation spots: Sarasota Florida and Boulder Colorado!
That’s a great idea Gloria! Especially if you have family in great vacation spots.
I have a stepsister in LA. I have yet to visit her yet. I hope I can do so soon. Great idea!