I LOVE to garden! Especially when my garden grows itself!
This spring I relocated my compost bin and I had some volunteers.
Volunteers are seeds that somehow survive the winter and come up in the spring on their own. Is that awesome or what? When I saw this vibrant plant with large leaves and a yellow bloom I thought, “Good a zucchini”. I had put a bunch of zucchini in the compost last year, so it made sense.
Well, then the “zucchini” took an interesting turn…
It came out round! Round as in, round as a ball. Hummmm…
Huh, a round zucchini? Is there any such a thing? So, I goggled it, and YES there is! Problem solved.
So, I picked a couple and cut them open. They didn’t really look like a zucchini on the inside but, who knows?
Then this crazy “Zucchini” started running, as in multiplying and taking over the world running! Well, it took over at least 2 rows.
So, I did what any normal blogger would do, I posted pictures on our Face Book page.
Our Face Book Fans ROCK! They are the best Face Book Fans in the World!
They are so knowledgeable and boy they jumped right on this problem.
Within moments. I knew what it was and a few days later the “zucchini” started turning colors and confirmed it!
Not A pumpkin but 11 pumpkins! Not even counting the two I already picked!
As it turns out, I had enough Volunteers to completely decorate the front steps!
Thank you for helping me out this year Garden! You knew that I would love growing pumpkins and I did!
I loved it so much, I am saving these seeds for next year!
Is Your Underwire Stabbing You? Ours did and we created a DIY Fix for Underwire Breakthroughs!
Sometimes the volunteers are the best. My mom and dad used to get volunteer tomatoes and they were the best tasting and the hardiest!
now just how cool was that love it xx